痛苦將逝,美麗將留。 每個人心中都懷藏著一些特別的回憶,或許是快樂與感動,亦或是悲傷與難過,隨著時間的流逝,這些回憶也會演變成不同的心境。 然而,這些記憶都是我們生命中珍貴的美好時光。
生日的許願、婚禮的祝福,甜蜜的約會和獨處時刻。蛋糕總能表達人們的情感,撫慰心靈。 清晨的咖啡,午後的茶歇,搭配一份蛋糕,陪伴著悠閒的幸福感。 蛋糕經常出現在我們生活中的許多時刻,承載著回憶和情感。
Pain will pass, beauty will remain. Each person carries within their heart some special memories, whether they are moments of joy and inspiration, or sadness and sorrow. As time goes by, these memories evolve into different emotions. However, these memories are all precious moments in our lives.
Birthday wishes, wedding blessings, sweet dates, and moments of solitude. Cakes have the power to express people’s emotions and soothe the soul. The morning coffee, the afternoon tea break, accompanied by a slice of cake, bring forth a sense of relaxed happiness. Cakes frequently appear in many moments of our lives, carrying memories and emotions.